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ACNA West is a collaboration between 7 Dioceses of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) for shared ministry in multiple initiatives

Mission & Purpose

ACNA West is made up of seven dioceses within the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) located in the western United States, Mexico and Canada and who are committed to working collaboratively on important ministry areas such as Misconduct Reporting and Ordination Examinations. 


ACNA West está formada por siete diócesis de la Iglesia Anglicana en Norteamérica (ACNA) situadas en el oeste de Estados Unidos, México y Canadá y que se han comprometido a trabajar en colaboración en iniciativas como Reportes Sobre el Comportamiento Indebido y Exámenes de la Ordenación.

Member Dioceses

© 2025 by ACNA West

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